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Esta petición de traducción es "sólo el significado"
Inglés aladin bir program
By default, Aladin uses a linear function to relate the pixel value => entry for the colour
table. The three cursors below the histogram let you change the slope of this function, or
even to use two slopes, one corresponding to the 128 lowest values in the colour table,
the other corresponding to the 128 highest values.

Traducciones completadas
Turco Aksi istenmediÄŸi taktirde
Idioma de origen
Inglés How can we know stellar ages when, • except for...
How can we know stellar ages when, except for catastrophe, we hardly ever see the stars change? We cannot actually watch a star be born, go through its youth and middle age, and finally die. We have to catch individuals along the way and string them together with the aid of logic and theory and the fundamental reference, the Sun and its family.

Traducciones completadas
Italiano Stimare l'età stellare
Francés Comment pouvons nous estimer l'âge stellaire quand, à l'exception de
Alemán Schätzen des stellaren Alters
Turco Yıldızların yaşları ne zamandır nasıl bilebiliriz,dışında..